Airbnb Superhost: How to level up your hosting status

How to increase bookings and exposure by becoming an Airbnb superhost
Do you want to earn (more) money with Airbnb? Learn how to advance your hosting status and become a Superhost!

Standing Out on Airbnb Requires Systems and Tactics

Tens of millions of people around the world have heard of Airbnb, and millions have stayed in an Airbnb. Behind those pretty listings and rave reviews are a large number of mostly dedicated hosts who make the website and concept possible. Of those hosts, fewer than 10% worldwide earn the coveted status of Superhost, with the increased visibility and benefits that Airbnb bestows on them.

During the COVID-19 crisis, while Airbnb had a general fund to help out all of their hosts, they had a designated fund specifically for their Superhosts, providing up to $5000 in grants to these hosts, grants that did not need to be paid back. For those who maintained that Superhost status didn’t matter, the largest travel crisis the world has seen in the modern era proved them wrong.  It also proved that unlike every other platform where you could list your property, Airbnb had the backs of their most elite hosts.

This course will dismantle the myth of “passive income” in regards to Airbnb, but will point out how easy and effortless hosting can be when you have the proper mindset, systems, and procedures in place. You can leverage your time to earn an extra income stream without buying into the scam of “easy passive income.”  

While everyone focuses on the allure of “easy money” people forget that hosting a short-term rental property is just as much about mindset as it is about attractive bedroom sets or clean living rooms. While Airbnb listings are not hotel rooms, they are held to that standard by travelers and this course will help you understand how and where to meet (and exceed) those standards.

While COVID-19 underlined the importance of being a Superhost on the Airbnb platform, it also highlighted the importance of building a short-term rental business that is sustainable and not over-leveraged. This course was put together by someone who kept his principles, tactics, and mindset throughout the travel crisis and continued to earn bookings and revenue while others were frozen by bad habits and nonexistent procedures.

Learn how to become a successful Superhost!

What you get...

A clear path to the coveted Superhost status on Airbnb. Out of the millions of properties listed on its platform worldwide, there are only a fraction that are hosted by the elite on Airbnb, the Superhosts. This course was built by someone who earned the Superhost title and maintained it even during the COVID-19 crisis.

Mindset Matters: More than a great property or beautiful furniture and fixtures, you need the right mindset to be an Airbnb Superhost.

    • Surprise and Delight: Part of earning a good review from guests is giving them information even before they visit. We’ll share a info-packed document you can use to model a guide your guests will rave about.
    • Know Your Numbers: Airbnb uses specific and measurable metrics to award Superhost status. Learn what they are and how to meet and exceed Airbnb’s baselines.
    • Keep Them Talking: Consistently good reviews don’t happen by accident, and sometimes guests need a bit of encouragement to leave a review. Learn ways to gently prod without being pushy, and strategies for how to head off bad reviews before they happen.
    • Implement Systems: All successful Airbnb listings have systems in place for listing, communication with staff, cleaning, turnover, and meeting with guests. Learn best practices that you can implement in your own way for your listing(s).
    • Know Even More Numbers: Many things can affect pricing in your area. Learn how to use the Airbnb pricing tool to your advantage, and what restrictions you can put in place to make sure you’re maximizing your profit and minimizing your burnout.

Who this course targets...

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You’ve never hosted on any platform before
  • You have hosted on Airbnb, but have never obtained Superhost status
  • You are interested in earning serious recurring revenue through hosting
  • You know that there are systems and mindsets necessary to be a great host but you don’t know where to find them
  • You enjoy meeting travelers from around the world and see hosting as a way to do that
  • You are a frequent Airbnb user and want to know what goes into making a great home stay for you

Testimonials about the course

"I enjoyed the way this course describes Airbnb as a very accessible  concept that can link you to a global community. The content is clearly delivered with lots of great tips that will make your hospitality as a  host stand out. Ultimately, I think the course is valuable as it is coming from a very experienced Airbnb host who seems to enjoy hosting people from various walks of life."
Leila Goddard


"Very practical - I think this will help me make a lot more money on my Airbnb listings."
Louise Croft


"After viewing this course, I am now more excited than ever to start on my path of being a business owner and I have a lot of very helpful tools to aid me in my success. I know that it will take some hard work to earn the business and trust of others, but I feel that the tips and ideas  discussed in the course will guide me to excel and earn Superhost status  in no time. I honestly feel that there were no stones left unturned."
Michael Denmon

Small Business Owner

What you will learn

This course is a complete guide to the mindset, systems, and processes you should have for short-term rental properties in general, and for Airbnb in particular. It gives you the tools and tactics you need to obtain Superhost status in a short time period, and leverage that status to get more visibility from the platform and more revenue from your guests.
  • Why being a superhost matters
  • How to hit the ground running with early reviews
  • The best way to deliver relevant information to your guests (and automate it)
  • Tips for relevant policies (and what to include)
  • How you can obtain risk free professional photography services
  • Tips and strategies for increasing positive reviews
  • and much more...

Course Curriculum

Click on any section below to expand it and see your preview options.

Meet the course creators

Stephen L. M. Heiner

Writer, Entrepreneur, and Coach

Stephen has been teaching, in one form or another, for over 20 years.  He had a teaching internship right out of high school, went on to become a teacher at every level from grade school to grad school, and even built a tutoring company over a decade which he then sold before moving to Paris to begin a new stage in his life.

Dan Fox

Project Manager, Entrepreneur, and Content Creator

Dan lives outside Seattle and has spent much of his professional life in roles focused on project management, operations, systems analysis, and change management. He recently transitioned out of a career in which he consulted for the U.S. Federal government and has been focusing his efforts on more creative pursuits, including, photography, videography, and entrepreneurship. 

The First Part of the Gold Rush is Over

Hosting on Airbnb is no longer a “new” way to make money. There are plenty of people who do it poorly and manage to burn themselves out and not earn Superhost status the entire time they were hosting. They quit, all without realizing that although Airbnb income isn’t “passive,” it can very easily be automated, leveraging your space and your time lucratively.

Those who are hosts now, and continue to be so, know what Airbnb expects, meet and exceed those expectations, and collect money using a platform used in almost all the countries in the world. 

COVID-19 Flattened Many Speculators

Gold rushes bring in many fools, and those that personally leveraged themselves over 10, 15, 20, even 100+ properties didn’t cover their downside. Many of them have exited hosting in spectacular fashion after the worldwide travel freeze that essentially stopped travel dead in its tracks for months, and then added a chilling effect for months afterwards. The new market that is developing (and will continue to adapt in years ahead) has plenty of space for you to sustainably grow a hosting business to whatever size you want.

We survived during Covid-19 using the principles that we teach in this course. We adapted, remained almost fully booked, and brought in revenue while others were frozen in their poor systems and bad mindsets.

What Money Can’t Buy

What hosting on Airbnb can give you is a chance to have the world come to your door. However much you choose to interact with your guests (hint: more interaction, rather than less, usually guarantees more favorable reviews) you can “travel” without ever leaving your home. These are genuine opportunities to interact with people who have chosen to stay in a home rather than a hotel. These are travelers who value genuine connection over bland cookie cutter rooms.  They are people who have stories to share and want to hear yours. That’s one of the rewards of hosting that money can’t buy. Of course, earning money is important and we’re going to show you how to do it, but we’re also going to show you how to have fun along the way.



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Mike Denmon

Straightforward Lessons from Someone Who Knows

I recently completed the Airbnb Superhost course and have to say that the content was great. There are so many angles to consider when you are trying to become a Superhost, angles that lead to blind spots. This course does a great job of shining a light on those blind spots and addresses the more technical aspects of what is needed to reach Superhost status, as well as the nitty-gritty work that is required to earn the great experiences you wish for your guests to have. Great course, very concise, and well-delivered information.

4 years ago
Michael Denmon

Common awesomeness

I took this course to learn how to be a great AirBnB host, and it was filled with common sense things that so often get overlooked, by both hosts and guests. This was a really helpful course for a business idea I have. I have had this idea for some time but always felt a little unsure about making it happen. This course has provided me with insight and confidence in making an AirBnB host position a real possibility. After viewing this course, I am now more excited than ever to make this pursuit a reality. Stephen shares a lot of great information in a very clear delivery and format. The tips and ideas discussed in this course will be critical to my ability to earn the trust of my future guests, and make sure that they enjoy their experience, rate me highly, and return for another visit or recommend me to their friends or fellow AirBnB users. I honestly feel that there were no stones left unturned in this course.

5 years ago

Airbnb Superhost: How to level up your hosting status

How to increase bookings and exposure by becoming an Airbnb superhost

  • 44 mins on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile, and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access to a dedicated student community



We can guarantee that you will have all the tools you need to build a strong and serious listing and earn Superhost status, but you’re still going to need to take photos, write the copy, and follow our recommendations for your systems, policies, and procedures. This will take work!

We don’t know that, and obviously as a company, Airbnb has the right to do that, but if they change them significantly, you can count on us to do a (free) update to this course to keep you on the right track. Once you understand the core of what it means to be a Superhost, it is likely you will continue to hit the metrics Airbnb puts forward.

Well, the increased visibility is a plus, and there’s even a Superhost option in the filters that guests can choose. You also will get a travel voucher from Airbnb each year that you maintain the status, as well the chance to take advantage of opportunities and partnerships that Airbnb only offers to Superhosts.

Your Superhost status will show for every property you manage, but it’s important not to confuse this with a rating. If a Superhost creates a brand new listing, that property still needs to get three reviews before it shows up as rated, and many guests will often not stay at a property that has not ratings (in the course we teach you how to cut down the time to your property being rated).

Stephen L. M. Heiner, Writer, Entrepreneur, and Coach
"I’m looking forward to showing you how much fun it can be to have the world come to your home and how you can make a sustainable income doing so, leveraging one of the most powerful travel platforms in the world!"

Stephen L. M. Heiner
Writer, Entrepreneur, and Coach